Everyone has their favourites in fashion. Whether it's Topshop (guilty) or H&M, or even Alexander McQueen or Prada, there's those brands and designers that we relate to, connect with, and just keep going back for more. But when your wardrobe is overpopulated with these brands, it all feels a little flat. It's like really loving going for dinner at Honest Burger.... so you go nearly every day. There's a good chance that after a while you might get a little bored of Honest Burger.
Okay, what I was really trying to get at is that you should experiment with new brands and designers to stop your wardrobe from becoming so one-dimensional. But now I just really want to eat burgers... Anyway, how do you even go about finding some shit hot new designers to repopulate your wardrobe with?
Wolf & Badger is a store that feels a little more like a curated shoppable gallery of all the greatest and most exciting new talent in fashion and jewellery design. With a tag-line like 'Discover New Designers' you can hardly go wrong there. They have two stores, one in my dream neighbourhood of Notting Hill, and the other in the also not-too-shabby neighbourhood of Mayfair.
As much as I'd like all of the designer garments in the world, shoes and accessories are the first place to start, so it seems only natural that I have developed a borderline obsession has developed over this Alisa Smirnova London round bag. Handcrafted from luxury cowhide, with black suede lining and silver lining, it feels super luxe when holding in your hand and chunky enough to swing at someone and make some damage if the time really called for it (sample sale weapon anyone?) If that's not a true sign of die-hard quality, then I don't know what really is... Smirnova designs for 'contemporary femme fatales, confident and strong women', and quite frankly, I don't think I could find a brand with an ethos that's quite so close to my own.
Snakeskin boots are something I used to fear. Once deemed acceptable only on the feet of cowboys, cowgirls, and other Wild Wild Westerners, somehow they infected my instagram explore feed, making me desperate to get my grubby fashion claws on a pair. Yet high street stores never quite hit the mark with their efforts resembling cheap shiny faux-snake-leather that wouldn't look out of place at a Soap Star awards circa 2003. The leather of these A + EM snake boots are laser cut for scale authenticity and the attention to detail is completely unmatched. Plus, no breaking in was required: not only are they the coolest boots ever to grace my feet, but the comfiest.
Fancy a payday treat? Use the code WBFASHIONSLAVE to get off at Wolf & Badger. You can shop my guest edit of Wolf & Badger here.
Topshop Dress | A + EM Boots * | Alisa Smirnova London Bag *