Minggu, 17 Agustus 2014


Fashion photography is great. It can capture a moment and burn it eternally onto film or onto a memory card (so long as you don't hit delete) with just a click of a button. But there's something a little magical about a scratchy hand-drawn fashion illustration.
They are a little like caricature's, but rather than focusing on and highlighting our most obviously mockable features (in my case this would definitely be my big front gravestone teeth, my Tyra-Banks-sized five-head, and the slight crook in my nose from when I got head-butted in a bouncy castle incident) fashion illustrations are endlessly flattering. I mean, look how skinny the illustrator Jessica Withey has drawn my legs? It's like this little cartoon of myself has become my own thinspiration... Naturally, I'm wearing my favourite coat, that gorgeous rose-blush coloured bonded trench coat by Topshop!
Check out Jess' amazing illustrations here. She also runs a fashion blog too!
Oh, and one last thing for this Sunday afternoon: voting for the Cosmopolitan Blog Awards closes in under two weeks now so make sure you vote for Fashion Slave here !

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